Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

The technical assistance (TA) on Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan will provide capacity building and policy advice for developing and implementing a climate change adaptation action plan for the Poyang Lake Watershed, mainly located in Jiangxi Province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), through improving awareness and skills of multiple stakeholders on climate change adaptation actions in the Poyang Lake watershed.
The TA is aligned with the following impact: climate resilience of Poyang Lake improved. The TA outcome is climate resilience in the Poyang Lake watershed enhanced. The Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan is expected to be endorsed by the government and at least three adaptation actions will be under implementation at the local communities’ level by 2026 based on the following outputs.
Output 1: Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan developed. This output will: (i) summarize national and international experience on developing climate change adaptation action plans for lakes, including gender-related best practices, following an ecosystem approach, through international and national training and consultation; (ii) conduct a climate risk and vulnerability assessment under future climate scenarios, including assessment of adaption measures, especially to improve water connectivity, ensure ecological flows, and identify climate-nature nexus adaption actions in the Poyang Lake watershed, including protection of key migratory waterbird habitats in a changing climate; (iii) consult multiple stakeholders, including women representatives, through at least three workshops; and (iv) prepare the first climate change adaptation plan for Poyang Lake to integrate with Jiangxi Province’s climate change action plan.
Output 2: Multi-stakeholder understanding of nature–climate nexus approach to resilient Poyang Lake enhanced. This output will (i) conduct desk review and case studies on climate-smart wetland management for biodiversity conservation, especially for migratory birds, and integrated resilient river basin and lake management; (ii) organize two dissemination events for Jiangxi Province to raise public awareness on the nature–climate nexus; and (iii) organize training courses to prepare NBSs (in particular regarding dams, pollution, and ecological degradation) for communities in climate and ecological sensitive areas, flood plains, and integrated natural and artificial ecological areas.
Output 3: Policy framework and institutional capacity to implement climate change adaptation actions improved. This output will (i) develop policy recommendations based on the results of consultations under output 1 and case studies under output 2 on: (a) integrating climate risk management and environmental safeguards policy; (b) setting standards for sectoral or regional climate change adaptation actions based on output 2 and international experience; (c) estimating loss and damage related to climate change and extreme weather events for developing insurance and/or finance policies; and (d) developing procedures for integrating institutions and disclosing information related to climate change adaptation action plan implementation; and (ii) produce at least one policy brief and disseminate it at national and international events and information platforms, such as ADB’s Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative.






NAREE International Limited for the Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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Guido Schmidt
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