From 24th March 2012 to 3rd April 2012 a delegation of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) came to the Danube basin to learn from basin-wide planning experiences of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River. The experiences made, support basin planning in the Mekong Basin, regarding:
1) the implementation of the Basin Development Strategy, in particular, the priority actions for basin management such as the development of an environmental baseline
and 2) the detailed design of the next stage of basin planning, including a broader set of basin-wide development scenarios.
The eleven-day study visit was organised by Fresh-Thoughts Consulting in close cooperation with the MRC. Participants visited several institutions such as the International Commission of the Danube, the water agencies in Austria, Slovakia, Hungary and Bavaria (DE) and included several field trips (e.g. National Park Donau Auen, Isar wetlands, Hydropower plants in Austria and Slovakia). The participants also had the opportunity
to discuss river planning issues with stakeholders such as WWF or representatives of energy companies.
Programme MRC Study Visit to the Danube River Basin
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24.03.2012 - 03.04.2012
All Day
Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Munich