Webinar: The Nexus and policies for a resource-efficient and low-carbon Europe

Webinar: The Nexus and policies for a resource-efficient and low-carbon Europe

The webinar presented policy recommendations for a resource-efficient and low-carbon Europe. The webinar was part of SIM4NEXUS (Sustainable integrated management for the nexus of water-energy- food-land-climate for a resource-efficient Europe), funded under H2020. The webinar included half an hour to demonstrate SIM4NEXUS Serious Games.


Date: Tuesday, June 23, 10-12.30 (CEST time).


9.50 Getting connected and opening. Guido Schmidt, Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH (SIM4NEXUS Communications lead)
10.00 Welcome and introduction. Floor Brouwer, Wageningen Research (Scientific coordinator SIM4NEXUS)
10.10 Policy recommendations for a resource-efficient and low-carbon Europe. Maria Witmer; PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (SIM4NEXUS policy analysis lead)
11.00 Feedback from the European Environment Agency (Lorenzo Benini) and the Joint Research Centre (Giovanni Bidoglio)
11.15 Serious Games for policy support in Latvia. Ingrida Bremere & Daina Indriksone; Baltic Environmental Forum in Latvia (SIM4NEXUS civil society partner)
11.30 The nexus in south-west England. Ben Ward, South West Water (SIM4NEXUS business partner)
11.45 Q&A and concluding statements by the speakers
12.00 Sharing the experience of playing Serious Games for policy support. Stefania Munaretto; KWR Water Research Institute




10:00 - 12:30



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