The first conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Water themed “Networking & interacting – Innovating water” was held in the EU Parliament in Brussels on 21 November 2013. It brought together EIP Water stakeholders, took stock of where we stand and helped shape the future of EIP Water to further increase the opportunities for collaborating on water innovation in Europe and globally.
All presentations of the Conference are uploaded on the EIP Water slideshare account and a Conference report can be found here.
The one-day conference showcased innovations from both within and outside the water sector through keynote addresses, panel discussions and moderated plenary sessions. The nine initial EIP Water Action Groups established in May 2013 showcased their nascent work; interactive sessions assisted new ideas to be taken forward, and the next steps of the EIP Water were presented and discussed. The conference also aimed to help establish new links and partnerships as well as facilitate networking between participants from water innovation supply and demand.
10:00 - 18:00