The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) proposal for post-2020 foresees greater subsidiarity. Member States (MS) have flexibility in the choice of environmental interventions to adapt them to their local needs. The project aimed to assess the extent to which measures included in existing environmental planning tools met the funding requirements within the different instruments of the upcoming EU Common Agricultural Policy. This regarded the fields of water management, nature conservation, and clean air policy.
To support this aim, the following three objectives were formulated to guide the work:
- Analyse environmental planning tools, the level of detail of the measures, interventions, actions, operations, or commitments relevant to agriculture in a representative sample;
- Assess whether the analysed measures apply to future Member States’ CAP Strategic Plans;
- Develop general recommendations for key principles to transfer the analysed measures into future CAP Strategic Plans.
For that purpose, six environmental measures that were part of environmental planning tools and successfully supported under rural development programmes during the period 2014-2020 were identified as illustrative examples and included in this report. In addition, recommendations on how to adequately design environmental measures in environmental planning tools were proposed to support them under the CAP Strategic Plans.
d under the CAP Strategic Plans.
The full report can be found here.