Mid-term review of GIZ

Mid-term review of GIZ

In 2013, EDEKA, SAB Miller and GIZ started a strategic alliance (STA) with the aim of supporting water stewardship initiatives in several countries (Egypt, Columbia, Honduras), which is allocated at develoPPP within GIZ. Fresh-Thoughts Consulting GmbH was contracted to develop an external mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Alliance and its Partnerships, according to OECD/DAC and WORKS criteria.

The activities performed included: Evaluate the existing project framework, including legal, regulatory and institutional aspects of water management, and assess their relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability; Draft recommendations for improving the project implementation, Mission to project locations, Interviews with stakeholders, Workshops for discussing draft evaluation results, Prepare draft and final report.






German Development Agency (GIZ), Germany

geographic scope:

Egypt, Columbia, Honduras


Guido Schmidt
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