Independent Review of Water Projects

Adaptation to climate change



Strengthening European networking for climate adaptation

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The project “Strengthening European networking for climate adaptation” aims to examine the current state of European research on selected climate adaptation topics.  The central goal of the project “Strengthening European networking for climate adaptation” is to identify important topics and needs at the interface between science and politics (policy) relating to climate adaptation and to support European policy advice in these areas.  



European Research Executive Agency (REA) | Water scarcity is one of the most critical problems to be faced in the 21st century. Decreasing water availability and increasing water demand are usually associated with a deterioration in the ecological, chemical and quantitative status of surface and groundwater bodies. Ensuring the availability and sustainability of water resources is essential. The project MARCLAIMED has the objective of integrating Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) with Alternative Water Resources (AWR) in river basin and drought management plans enhancing the structural supply systems for climate change adaptation and resilience.



European Research Executive Agency (REA) | Droughts and water scarcity are an increasing concern in Europe, with around 20% of the European territory and 30% of the total population already affected by water stress. The anthropogenic alteration of the water cycle poses risks for energy production, food security, human health, economic development, and poverty reduction.


Mission ocean, seas and waters implementation support platform

CINEA | This Project is about forming and running the Mission Ocean, seas and waters implementation support platform, to help coordinate and monitor actions aligned with the EU Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’. It also involves offering European Blue Parks technical assistance, citizen engagement and communication.


Framework Partnership Agreement concerning the European Topic Centre on Biodiversity and Ecosystems 2023-2026

European Environment Agency (EEA) | European Topic Centres (ETCs) are consortia of organisations in EEA member countries with expertise in specific environmental areas, contracted by the EEA through framework partnership agreements to carry out specific tasks to support the implementation of EEA and Copernicus work programmes.



European Research Executive Agency (REA) | TRANSCEND (Transformational and Robust Adaptation to Water Scarcity and Climate Change under Deep Uncertainty) is a Horizon Europe research project that identifies ways of managing water when its availability is low, and the uncertainty of cascading effects is high.


European Topic Centre on Climate change Adaptation (2022-2026)

European Environment Agency (EEA) | The European Topic Centre on Climate Change Adaptation and LULUCF (ETC CA) is a Consortium of 16 European organisations with expertise in climate change adaptation and Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), working in partnership with the European Environment Agency under a framework partnership agreement for the period 2022-2026.


Conceptual design and content support for the BMUV Agricultural Congresses 2024-2026

German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Germany | The BMUV Agricultural Congress has been held annually since 2017 in the run-up to the International Green Week in mid-January. Within the framework of the congress, the BMUV has put various politically topical priority issues up for discussion in recent years. The wide range of participants is made up of scientists, (agricultural) practitioners, professional representatives, politicians and civil society. The congress is also planned for the next three years.


Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan

NAREE International Limited for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) | The technical assistance (TA) on Poyang Lake Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan will provide capacity building and policy advice for developing and implementing a climate change adaptation action plan for the Poyang Lake Watershed, mainly located in Jiangxi Province of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), through improving awareness and skills of multiple stakeholders on climate change adaptation actions in the Poyang Lake watershed.


EU Switch to Green and Water Facilities

European Commission, DG International Partnerships (INTPA) | Contributing to the objectives of the Water Facility, FT provides outputs related to technical assistance in the European Commission 2021-2027 programming process and quality support in the design of EU international cooperation actions.


MIP4ADAPT – Building the Implementation Platform for the Climate Adaptation Mission

CINEA | The Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change focuses on supporting EU regions, cities and local authorities in their efforts to build resilience against the impacts of climate change. The Mission Implementation Platform (MIP4Adapt) is its operational facility to support European regional and local authorities in preparing and planning their adaptation pathways to climate resilience.


Resilience Strategies for Regions (REGILIENCE)

CINEA | REGILIENCE is the Coordination and Support Action for developing Innovation Packages and regional resilience pathways under the LC-GD-1-3-2020 call. It aims to foster the adoption and broad dissemination of regional climate resilience pathways, following a demand-driven approach and taking into account the expertise and knowledge acquired, as well as the solutions available from Innovation Packages and other sources.



European Research Executive Agency (REA) | The central aim of the proposed Source to Sea (NAPSEA) CSA is to support national and local authorities in selecting effective nutrient load reduction measures and to gain political support for the implementation.


Innovative tools and solutions for governing the water-energy-food-ecosystems NEXUS under global change (GoNEXUS)

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | GoNEXUS aims to develop a framework for designing and assessing innovative solutions for efficient and sustainable coordinated governance of the water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus.


Revision and update of the national strategy on adaptation to climate change in Cyprus and Slovakia

European Commission, DG REFORM | The mission of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) is to provide support for the preparation and implementation of growth-enhancing administrative and structural reforms by mobilising EU funds and technical expertise. Cyprus and Slovakia have requested support from the European Commission under Regulation (EU) 2021/240 establishing a Technical Support Instrument (“TSI Regulation”).

Dialogue Forum on Sustainable Sport 2023

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany | The main aim of the project is to organise an expert conference to promote sustainability efforts in sports practice.

Climate Change policy update

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The project aims to provide concrete policy recommendations on the content of legal instruments at the federal and state levels in Germany. These policy recommendations should enable legislators to mainstream climate change adaptation into further appropriate legal instruments.

Independent Review of Water Projects

Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) | In an effort to reduce their water footprint, food & drink companies in the UK came together to join the water roadmap, which aims to establish 20 water stewardship projects by 2030 with at-risk catchments identified as being key sourcing areas for UK food & drink.

Tourism Monitoring In Antarctica

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | This study aims to present the current state of scientific knowledge on the impacts of tourism activities, including the logistics used, on the relevant protected goods of the Antarctic environment.

DRYing rivER networks (DRYvER)

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | Rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands and other aquatic environments are among the world’s most biodiverse ecosystems. They are also those most threatened by human activities. These river networks also provide essential ecosystem services – such as drinking water, food and climate regulation – that enhance society’s well-being.

Risk-based practice- and market-oriented action plan to exclude illegal water use in agricultural supply chains of a German food retailer

WWF Germany | The objective of this project was to create an action plan for a German food retailer, containing practical and market-oriented mitigation measures in a roadmap, including a timeline that encompasses short, mid, and long-term actions.

Climate change adaptation in the tourism sector in Lower Saxony

TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH | Climate change is already affecting the tourism sector in Lower Saxony and complex interactions influence the touristic demand. Therefore, the TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH (TMN) intended to support Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in dealing with current and future changes.

Independent Review of Water Sourcing and Saving in Fruit and Vegetable Production

Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) | In an effort to reduce their water footprint, food & drink companies in the UK came together to join the water roadmap, which aims to establish 20 water stewardship projects by 2030 with at-risk catchments identified as being key sourcing areas for UK food & drink. The aim of this project was to better understand and reduce! the negative impacts of freshwater abstraction and use for the UK food & drink companies on the ecosystems and people in areas where the water is sourced.

Water use conflicts in Germany

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The project assessed the effects of drought and dryness in Germany on water availability, soil water balance, and groundwater and provided possible solutions and recommendations for action. Special attention was paid to competing water uses and to less common adaptation measures, such as the reuse of treated and processed wastewater in urban areas.

TMN Climate Workshop

TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH | With the project "Tackling Climate Change - Adaptation Strategies for Tourism in Lower Saxony", TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH (TMN) has initiated a forward-looking process that prepares the tourism industry for climate change and its consequences. The project results make it clear: Climate change has arrived in Lower Saxony and is already influencing tourism.

European Drought Observatory

European Commission, DG Environment | The European Commission DG ENV requested technical and scientific support from the European Drought Observatory (EDO) for Resilience and Adaptation, aiming towards a better understanding of drought impacts and risks in different sectors of society.

Dialogue on Water and Agriculture

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | Climate change is altering the water balance in rural areas (UBA, 2019d). The consequences of climate change and a decreasing water supply, especially in the summer months, will particularly affect agriculture and forestry.

Platform for Climate Dialogue on water management issues. Supporting Understanding between Conflict Parties Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. | The objective of the EU4Dialogue programme is to establish an environment conducive to diffusing tension and fostering better understanding amongst the conflicting parties and stakeholders.

Greening EU Cooperation webinar “Transboundary Water Management”

Ecorys | The integration of environmental and climate change considerations into all areas of EU development cooperation is a priority.

Support for Sportunion Austria regarding environmental funding for sport clubs

Sportunion Österreich | To support the Sportunion Austria clubs in their financial transition to more sustainable methods, Fresh Thoughts conducted research on the current environmental subsidies in Austria. The research refers to the individual provincial subsidies and not to those of the federal government.

Second Evaluation of the DAS – Methodological development and implementation of a policy analysis for the evaluation of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS)

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The project "Second Evaluation of the DAS - Methodological Further Development and Implementation of a Policy Analysis for the Evaluation of the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (DAS)" aimed to examine Germany's efforts to actively adapt to the consequences of climate change concerning processes and effectiveness.

Adaptation and mitigation in the Stanzertal region

Tourism Association St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria | Climate change is a particular challenge for regions that are heavily dependent on tourism and therefore on natural resources. As the impacts of climate change vary depending on the local context, municipalities play a key role in mitigating risks and exploiting opportunities that come along with these changes.

Finding innovative solutions for water scarcity in Southern Europe Programme 2022: Governance and finance solutions

Climate-KIC | Fresh Thoughts participated in the “Body of Knowledge" expert group as part of the "Finding Innovative Solutions for Water Scarcity in Southern Europe" Programme in 2022 by taking an active role in mentoring a junior water scarcity expert and participating as a speaker in the Webinar on the Topic: Governance and finance solutions to tackle water scarcity, on 18 October 2022.

Baseline study for the implementation of lighthouses of Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’

European Commission, DG Environment | The study set a comprehensive baseline for Mission lighthouses in the Atlantic and Arctic Sea basins, Danube River basin and Mediterranean Sea basin on the implementation of two Mission objectives: the protection and restoration of marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity (for Danube, Atlantic and Arctic) and the prevention and elimination of pollution in marine and freshwater ecosystems (for the Mediterranean).

Independent Review of Water Projects

Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) | In an effort to reduce their water footprint, food and drink companies in the UK came together to join the water roadmap, which aims to establish 20 water stewardship projects by 2030 with at-risk catchments identified as being key sourcing areas for UK food and drink.

Support services within the framework of the sports-club survey: “Sport and sustainability!”

Sportunion Österreich | In order to focus on the topics of sustainability and environmental protection in sports, Fresh Thoughts conducted a survey together with SPORTUNION Austria in which 430 sports clubs participated. One of the main topics was the energy management of sports clubs.

Development of an Annotated Outline of a Climate Adaptation Strategy of the Drina River Basin

Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP-Med) | The overall aim of the SEE Nexus Project is to introduce the Nexus approach in South-East Europe and catalyse action for its adoption and implementation. With activities focusing on the transboundary basins of the Drin and Drina rivers, and in Albania, the Project facilitated Nexus Dialogue Processes involving a broad range of stakeholders, and the development of technical Nexus Assessments exploring cross-sectoral interlinkages, while enabling conditions for financing actions to address issues of priority.

Support for the climate check of the programme of measures and for the economic analysis within the framework of the 3rd implementation cycle for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Administration de la Gestion de l’Eau, Luxembourg | The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) came into force in 2000. It sets environmental objectives for all European surface waters and groundwater.

Assessment of freshwater status and water risks in the Ebro basin

Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, Austrian Branch | Amazon Web Services (AWS) requested Fresh Thoughts to assess water-related risks of its data center located in Aragon, Spain.

Interview on the consequences of climate change for tourism in Baden-Württemberg

Tourismus Marketing GmbH Baden-Württemberg | In conversation with Thomas Dworak (Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH), Ute Dicks (German Hiking Association) and Dr Britta Böhr (Black Forest National Park), TMBW Managing Director Andreas Braun discussed the current and future effects of climate change on tourism.

Water Strategy Germany

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | Modern water management focuses on sustainable and balanced water use by all stakeholders. To achieve this today - and in the future - various legal as well as socio-economic frameworks need to be taken into account. The overall aim of this project was to initiate a target-oriented national dialogue at an early stage among various actors.

Sport Austrian Summit

Sportunion Österreich | How can sport draw attention to the issue of sustainability? And what can sport do to be more sustainable and thus better meet its social responsibility?

Towards Sustainable Finance

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has set itself the goal of evaluating and further developing scientific methods and procedures to systematically integrate environmental and sustainability risks into investment and credit decisions. By using these methods, the transition to a sustainable financial economy should be wisely initiated and shaped.

Online talk: Climate change adaptation in urban tourism

Bayerisches Zentrum für Tourismus | In the second annual dialogue of the series "Consequences of Climate Change for Tourism", the Bavarian Centre for Tourism discussed the effects of climate change on urban tourism with experts - networking and joint action are required.

Integrated Nexus Strategy for Water, Energy and Agriculture in the Gaza Strip

Engineering, Management and Infrastructure Consultants (Enfra Consultants) | Population growth, economic development and climate change put energy, water, land and human resources increasingly under pressure in the Gaza Strip to support societal development and to maintain necessary services. Decision-makers need improved tools in order to be better informed about synergies between different development and management choices and to help them identify options on how to sustainably manage resources.

European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (2019-2021)

European Environment Agency (EEA) | The European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) is a Consortium of European Organizations contracted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to carry out specific tasks - as identified in the ETC/CCA annual Action Plan (AP) - coherently with the EEA five-year strategy and Multiannual Work Programme and specific EEA Single Programming Documents in the area of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (CCIVA) across Europe.

VisitBerlin Online conference – Consequences of climate change for Berlin

Conpros GmbH | At the VisitBerlin Online Hubs conference, director Thomas Dworak gave a lecture on the topic: "What effects of climate change can be expected in Germany and for tourism in the coming years?"

Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan UNDP Component (EU4Sevan)

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | EU4Sevan project aims to further enhance the environmental protection of Lake Sevan. The Project is part of the EU Action "EU4 Energy Efficiency and Environment", and of the BMZ-funded programme "Management of natural resources and safeguarding of ecosystem services for sustainable rural development in the South Caucasus (ECO serve)".

Keynote speech – Potsdam Tourism Forum

PMSG Potsdam Marketing | At the 4th Potsdam Tourism Day, director Thomas Dworak gave a lecture on the topic: "How climate change is changing tourism".


Austrian Climate Research Program – ACRP | Natural hazard protection faces the key challenge that not everyone living in a risk zone is threatened equally. Decisions on whom to protect often cause conflicts in resource allocation and distribution. JustFair developed policy guidance by (1) comparing international practice in addressing social justice issues in climate change adaptation and by (2) empirically identifying disadvantaged groups among households and small businesses, taking into account that individual resources and deficits need to be balanced against each other. Additionally, a comparison was made between the financial measures taken during the Covid-19 crisis in Austria and the current regulations for disaster relief funds.

Conference on water, climate change, and adaptation

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany | Climate change poses a key challenge to water management and water-dependent sectors in the EU. Increasing water scarcity, deteriorating water quality, and heavy rainfall events or floods have serious consequences for drinking water supply and freshwater protection.

Climate change and tourism in Germany

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The project identified the impact of climate change on the tourism sector in Germany and possible adaptation mechanisms.

Theory of change and Roadmap for the restoration of the Guadalquivir River estuary (Spain)

WWF Spain | WWF developed a roadmap for restoring the Guadalquivir River estuary (Spain) as a follow-up to a workshop held with relevant stakeholders in 2019. The roadmap contains a vision, objectives, success indicators, and prioritised action sheets with further details, and is based on the theory of change. This also included Interviews and a workshop with experts and stakeholders.

Screening tool for the climate proofing of River Basin Management Plans

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) came into force in 2000. It defines the environmental objectives for all European surface and groundwaters. The objectives of the Directive are to protect waters, preventing deterioration and protecting and improving the state of water bodies, terrestrial ecosystems and wetlands.

Support of the European Innovation Partnership on Water

European Commission, DG Environment | The European Innovation Partnership on Water (EIP Water) was an initiative within the EU 2020 Innovation Union. The EIP Water facilitated the development of innovative solutions to address major European and global water challenges.

Central project evaluation of the project Sustainable management of biodiversity in the Southern Caucasus

German Development Agency (GIZ), Germany | Fresh Thoughts carried out the central evaluation of the project “Sustainable management of biodiversity in the Southern Caucasus” following OECD-DAC criteria.

Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assessment

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | The overarching goal of the Oasis Innovation Hub for Catastrophe and Climate Extremes Risk Assessment Project (H2020_Insurance) was to support the understanding of climate risks by the (re-) insurance sector and society in general.

Support to the India-EU Water Partnership

German Development Agency (GIZ), Germany | Provision of technical expertise for the actions “Development and implementation support to the India-EU Water Partnership (IEWP)” and “Support to Ganga Rejuvenation (SGR)" co-financed by the EU / BMZ.

Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe (SIM4NEXUS)

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | Water, land, food, energy, and climate are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (the ‘Nexus’), dominated by complexity and feedback. Putting pressure on one part of the Nexus can put pressure on the other parts.

Framework on Climate Change Policy

European Commission, DG Environment | Supporting the European Commission to ensure improved global climate policy design, assessment, and implementation, Fresh Thoughts worked with 8 other partners on high-quality evaluations, impact assessments, analyses, implementations, evidence gathering, and research.

Conference: Water Management and Agriculture 2.0

Sachverständigen-Kuratorium (SVK) | This conference was organised to deepen some aspects of the BMU's national water dialogue. The 2019 conference brought together water managers, farmers and agricultural experts to find answers to pressing issues in the interaction between agriculture and water management. The outcomes fed into the national water dialogue process and promoted an understanding of the respective language.

Floods Directive and Water Framework Directive Compliance check

European Commission, DG Environment | The contract provided technical assistance to the Commission in assessing the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Floods Directive (FD) by the 28 EU Member States.

Climate Change and Infrastructure

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany | The objectives of the Paris Climate Treaty, including the achievement of the 2-degree target, require a major transformation of our (economic and social) systems within this century.

European Topic Centre on Climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation 2014-2018

European Environment Agency (EEA) | The European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA) was a Consortium of European Organizations commissioned by the European Environment Agency (EEA) to carry out specific tasks - as defined in the ETC/CCA Annual Action Plan (AP) - in line with the EEA five-year strategy, the Multiannual Work Programme and the specific EEA Annual Work Programme in the field of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation (CCIVA) across Europe.

Assessment CAP 2020+

European Commission, DG Environment | On 1 June 2018, the Commission presented a single legal proposal for the future CAP: “Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing rules on support for strategic plans to be drawn up by Member States under the Common agricultural policy (CAP Strategic Plans) and financed by the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership tendering

Eptisa | Eptisa requested Fresh Thoughts to prepare the technical part of the consortia’s proposal for the CECP support call, including rationale, methodology, and log frame.

Support in the implementation of the Urban Agenda

European Commission, DG REGIO | In order to realise the full potential of the European Union and deliver on its strategic objectives, the Urban Agenda for the EU strives to involve Urban Authorities in achieving Better Regulation, Better Funding and Better Knowledge (knowledge base and exchange).

Assistance and technical support for the Evaluation of EU funding proposals

Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) | Fresh Thoughts served as the technical evaluator for EU funding proposals in the areas of environment, climate change adaptation and mitigation.

EU-Iran environment and climate change exchanges

European Commission, DG Environment | In 2016, Iran and the EU agreed to start cooperation on the environment and adaptation to climate change.

Climate Adaptation Strategy for Luxembourg

Administration de la Gestion de l’Eau, Luxembourg | Climate Change is one of the big challenges of the 21st century.

Sava adaptation strategy

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) | The four riparian countries of the Sava River Basin (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) ratified the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB) as a unique international agreement, which integrated many aspects of water resource management and established the International Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC) to implement the FASRB.

Mid-term review of GIZ

German Development Agency (GIZ), Germany | In 2013, EDEKA, SAB Miller and GIZ started a strategic alliance (STA) with the aim of supporting water stewardship initiatives in several countries (Egypt, Columbia, Honduras), which is allocated at develoPPP within GIZ.

Climate Europe Festival Workshop Moderation

Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (Hereon) | The Climateurope Project (Horizon 2020 689029) contracted FT to moderate a workshop during its festival in Valencia.

Implementation of the urban adaptation initiative within the framework of the Covenant of Mayors II

European Commission, DG Environment | The aim of the consortium was to promote the European Commission’s Mayors Adapt initiative and to strengthen the direct link between the European Commission and local authorities in implementing coherent, integrated actions on adaptation.

Support to Activities related to the EU Policy on Integrated Coastal Management and Maritime Spatial Planning

European Commission, DG Environment | Coastal and marine areas face a multitude of activities that often cause unsustainable development. The need for integrated coastal management (ICM) and maritime spatial planning (MSP) in Europe stems from increasing competition for maritime space by diverse actors and industries.

Assessment of the status of water bodies and ecosystems in Doñana

WWF Spain | WWF Spain has been involved in the conservation of the Doñana wetlands since the 1960s.

Climate change adaptation in planning

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany | Climate change is one of the major challenges of the 21st century. In addition to reducing greenhouse gases, the political debate has increasingly turned towards adapting to the no longer avoidable consequences of climate change. Adaptation as a societal challenge that involves a high degree of complexity.

Support for Regional Training on Vulnerability Assessment and Adaption Planning

Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network (ECRAN) | ECRAN (Environment and Climate Regional Accession Network), financed by the EU and managed by the European Commission, supported beneficiaries in the Balkan region in capacity-building and in sharing information and experience on preparing for accession.

Ex-ante CC Strategies

ADEME – Agence de l’Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l’Énergie | The ADEME wanted to explore the benefits of ex-ante evaluation procedures in the context of developing adaptation strategies.

Quality Review of a report on drought risk management

WWF China | WWF China requested Fresh Thoughts to develop a strategic Quality Assurance check for a publication aimed at proposing better drought management.

Support to the Luxembourg Presidency in 2015

Administration de la Gestion de l’Eau, Luxembourg | In 2015, Luxembourg held the rotating Presidency of the European Union for the first six months. One of the main topics emphasized during the Presidency was the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive.

Mainstreaming of CCA at the local level: Launch of a Climate Change Adaptation Initiative for Cities within the framework of the Covenant of Mayors

European Commission, DG Climate Action | Building on the success of the Covenant of Mayors initiative in mitigation, the Mayors Adapt initiative aimed to encourage cities, regions and local governments to show leadership on climate change adaptation, and support them in developing strategies for concrete action.

Assessment of Options to Use Financial Instruments through LIFE Climate Action Sub-Programme 2014-2020

European Commission, DG Climate Action | Under this service contract it was expected to provide services related to the following: (1) Assessing the climate dimensions of all relevant Community policies; (2) Contribute to the development and implementation of cost-effective international and domestic policies to protect the ozone layer;

Climate Sensitive Flood Management in the Lower Mekong Basin

German Development Agency (GIZ), Germany | Floods are essential events that determine the natural characteristics of an aquatic environment and its connected wetlands, as well as ensure a functioning ecology.

C3-Alps: Capitalising climate change knowledge for adaption in the Alpine Space

UNEP Vienna – Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention (ISCC) Vienna International Centre | Building on the results of previous projects and initiatives on adaptation to climate change in the Alps, C3-Alps sought to synthesise and transfer the best available adaptation knowledge and implement it in policy and practice.

Climate Change Adaptation, coastal and marine issues

European Commission, DG Environment | Fresh Thoughts prepared the background document for developing a staff working paper on climate change adaptation regarding coastal and marine issues. As part of the EU's commitment under the White Paper to adaptation, this document presented a comprehensive view of the main regional impacts of climate change on marine and coastal areas and the current policy framework, as well as policy options to better address adaptation.

Support to the development of the EU strategy for Climate Change Adaptation

European Commission, DG Climate Action | The European Commission developed a comprehensive EU Adaptation Strategy with the general aim of improving the readiness and capacity to effectively tackle the impacts of climatic change in the EU, its Member States, regions and cities, down to the local level.

Online publication consultation for the EU adaptation strategy on climate change

European Commission, DG Climate Action | Public participation is an invaluable process that increases transparency and allows stakeholders to actively collaborate in public policy.

Adaptation to Climate Change in the Pyrenees

Region Midi–Pyrenees DAJ-Service des Marchés Publics, France | The main objective of the study “Adaptation to climate change in the Pyrenees” was to identify and analyse the measures and adaptation strategies to climate change most relevant in the Pyrenees and at the European level, as well as to promote these experiences to support the dissemination of good practices across the Pyrenees.

Gap analysis of the EU policy on water scarcity & droughts

European Commission, DG Climate Action | The study synthesised knowledge on water scarcity & droughts in the EU to provide input to the “Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water”.

Climate proofing of EU policies

European Commission, DG Climate Action | This study assessed the most significant threats and challenges of climate change to the EU, focussing on policy areas of particular relevance for the EU budget and investigating where no or little action had been taken so far.

Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mekong Region I

German Development Agency (GIZ), Germany | This project aimed to strengthen the capacity of relevant institutions to adapt to changes in flooding patterns in the lower Mekong basin caused by climate change.

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