Modern water management focuses on sustainable and balanced water use by all stakeholders. To achieve this today – and in the future – various legal as well as socio-economic frameworks need to be taken into account. The overall aim of this project was to initiate a target-oriented national dialogue at an early stage among various actors.
Water is crucial to survival. Without water, people, animals, and plants would not exist. Farmers would have no harvest. Businesses would not produce anything. Water is a human right – not a typical commercial product, but an inherited resource that has to be protected and treated with care. In our society, water is a vital nutrient and an important economic factor as an energy source, means of transport and raw material. Water supply is a basic public service. Climate change is a tremendous challenge for the water sector and everyone who uses water.
The overall aim of this project was to initiate a target-oriented national dialogue at an early stage among various actors to support the development of a national water strategy for Germany. In the dialogue process, the following questions concerning water management within the next 20 to 30 years in Germany were addressed:
- Which water policy and structural questions will be of relevance within the next 20 to 30 years?
- How will future challenges like the achievement of a good ecological state under increasing economic pressure, demographical change, climate change, or technological development evolve against the background of future global trends?
- Which water protection objectives will be discussed and focused on in 20 to 30 years?
The outcomes of the dialogue, among more than 300 stakeholders upon various events (see the list of events below) were a building block for the future water strategy starting in 2030. The national water strategy includes the development of strategic goals for 10 priority areas, ranging from water governance, nature management and restoring the semi-natural water balance to international aspects. FT supported the drafting process. Further information about the project can be found on the BMU website here.
If you are interested, you can download the summary of the national water strategy as well as the full version of the national water strategy.
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