Nikolaus Fleischmann is a senior expert for water-policy, -management and –research.
He works at the interface of research and consultancy and concentrates on knowledge transfer as well as the implementation of emerging technologies. As part of the EU Water Initiative (EUWI), he participated in the transfer of RBM planning and EU WFD principles to developing countries. Within the EUWI he also developed and managed the information system as well as the website (2003-2007, now hosted by the IRC). He centres his attention around the implementation of water policies, often in connection with the technical aspects of water quality descriptions, monitoring and reporting in water management. He was involved in the development of WFD compliant river basin management plans and monitoring networks in EU MS and beyond, always promoting a scientifically sound, transparent and participatory approach regarding the implementation of integrated water management. This specialisation in a wide range of water quality issues is the result of working in research concerning water pollution control, policy implementation, municipal water management, treatment plant design, control and optimisation for ten years, followed by activities as a water research and policy consultant in the EU, accession countries and in development cooperation.
associated projects
Development of the Luxembourg River Basin Management Plan IEvaluation of the use of e-scooters in St. Anton am Arlberg
Floods Directive and Water Framework Directive Compliance check
Framework contract for the Support to the Implementation of the Water Industry Directives
Framework Contract on Evaluation, Review and Development of EU Water Policy
Support of the European Innovation Partnership on Water
Support services within the framework of the sports-club survey: “Sport and sustainability!”
Support to the India-EU Water Partnership
Water Strategy Germany