The objective of the framework contract was to provide services to the Water Unit in DG Environment concerning the following:
- To provide independent, impartial, and punctual work and advice on scientific, socio-economic, and technical issues related to the topics addressed in the Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Floods Directive.
- To provide technical assistance to the Commission on the integrated assessment of implementing EU water legislation (WFD, priority substances Directive, Groundwater Directive, and Floods Directive) and 2nd RBMPs/1st FRMPs, analysing issues such as coordination performed by MS in the different steps of the WFD and the FD planning process and the implementation of other related environmental Directives (Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, Nitrates Directive, Birds and Habitats Directive, Bathing Water Directive, Drinking Water Directive…).
- To provide technical assistance to the Commission for in-depth targeted assessments of implementing the WFD/FD in MS on selected issues linked to specific needs. For instance, assessing water pricing systems in MS to fulfil EAC action plans, evaluating the uptake of Natural Water Retention Measures in MS, and how to better ensure mutual benefits of implementation as well as the integration of water policy into other EU policies. Including biodiversity, green infrastructure, Nature, soil, forests, Marine, REACH, INSPIRE, agriculture, energy, transport, industry, regional policy, cohesion, and transboundary as well as international cooperation.
- To provide technical assistance in assessing information on possible infringement cases at the Commission’s initiative or citizens’ complaints.
- To provide technical assistance for evaluating the WFD and the REFIT of the FD. Support for specific Impact Assessments and evaluations.
Fresh Thoughts supported the development of CIS Guidance number 35 on Exemptions under Art 4.7 WFD and provided technical expertise to several pilot legal compliance procedures under the WFD.