Assessment of Options to Use Financial Instruments through LIFE Climate Action Sub-Programme 2014-2020

Assessment of Options to Use Financial Instruments through LIFE Climate Action Sub-Programme 2014-2020

Under this service contract it was expected to provide services in connection with the following:

(1) Assessing the climate dimensions of all relevant Community policies;

(2) Contribute to the development and implementation of cost-effective international and domestic policies to protect the ozone layer;

(3) Supporting international negotiations on climate change and ozone-depleting substances;

(4) Assisting the EU in setting and meeting its targets for 2020 and beyond to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and assess the impacts of possible policy options, including the establishment of robust and transparent EU-wide monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems;

(5) Contribute to developing and implementing the EU emissions trading system and its links with other carbon trading systems as well as developing and monitoring the implementation of Member States’ emission reduction targets in sectors outside the EU ETS;

(6) Assessing the development and demonstration of low-carbon and adaptation technologies, in particular by developing and implementing cost-effective regulatory frameworks for their deployment (e.g. carbon capture and storage, fluorinated gases, ozone-depleting substances, vehicle efficiency standards, fuel quality standards) as well as by developing appropriate financial support schemes;

(7) Examining cost-effective options, strategies and policies for adaptation to climate change, including targeted, dedicated adaptation as well as assessing mainstreaming options for most relevant policy areas and corresponding legislation at all levels (EU, national, sub-national, territorial, etc.).


Adaptation to climate change






European Commission, DG Climate Action

geographic scope:



Thomas Dworak
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