The interests and activities of new and fast-growing industries such as renewable energy and aquaculture highlight the need for effective management to balance objectives, avoid conflicts and identify coopeartion opportunities. ICM and MSP legislation is, therefore, increasingly important to manage the sustainable growth of maritime and coastal activities as well as the sustainable exploitation of marine resources by different actors and industries.
This project provided administrative and technical support to the Commission in its work on ICM and MSP in the Member States. It further explored how their integrated approach supports the implementation of the MSFD as well as other relevant environmental policies.
The contract comprised three main tasks:
- Task 1: Support the organisation and management of meetings, workshops, and events, associated with the MSP and ICM expert groups under the planned Common Implementation Strategy.
- Task 2: Develop specific MSP and ICM related documentation (such as Member State activity fiches, concept papers, technical documents, and guidance documents).
- Task 3: Improve the Best practice exchange via OURCOAST, which has not yet been covered by other specific contracts.
Fresh Thoughts was the lead partner in the project and also lead for Task 1 on support to the Expert Group.
Related Events
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