This Project is about forming and running the Mission Ocean, seas and waters implementation support platform, to help coordinate and monitor actions aligned with the EU Mission ‘Restore our ocean and waters by 2030’. It also involves offering European Blue Parks technical assistance, citizen engagement and communication.
The main objectives of this project involve:
- Assisting the contracting authority and the European Commission with the implementation of the Mission including, knowledge, scientific and policy advice, financial advice and technical assistance, capacity building support, outreach support, scaling up and dissemination of information on knowledge and innovation at all levels. It will also provide access to knowledge for all citizens, as well as support and technical assistance to mission partners implementing the mission. This will be done by establishing and running the Mission implementation support platform.
- Providing technical and scientific assistance for initiatives implementing the European Blue Parks to expand the network of marine protected areas. The assistance mechanism will support the Blue Parks initiative in creating the Blue Parks Community. It will provide advice and support in building a community of engaged and sustainable investors and socio-economic actors. It will support networking and knowledge transfer as well as monitoring the implementation of marine protected/strictly protected areas. The support service will integrate knowledge dissemination to support the Blue Parks initiative.
Fresh Thoughts has taken the lead for the work on the Danube River Basin and supports tasks related to:
- The implementation and operation of the Mission monitoring and progress tracking system during the first implementation phase of the Mission.
- The design of the Mission monitoring and progress tracking system.
- Reporting on the Mission implementation progress to the contracting authority.