Support to the development of the EU strategy for Climate Change Adaptation

Support to the development of the EU strategy for Climate Change Adaptation

The European Commission developed a comprehensive EU Adaptation Strategy with the general aim of improving the readiness and capacity to effectively tackle the impacts of climatic change in the EU, its Member States, regions and cities, down to the local level.

The preparation of the EU Adaptation Strategy was supported from December 2011 until February 2013 by the project contract (CLIMA.C.3/SER/2011/0026) undertaken by the Environment Agency Austria (EAA) together with AEA Technology plc (AEA), Alterra, FEEM Servizi Srl (FEEM) and Fresh Thoughts Consulting (FT).

FT covered the following tasks:

  • Assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture, forestry, water, coastal zones, marine environment, social issues;
  • Development of adaptation measures to address the impacts in the abovementioned sectors. This also covers technical solutions (e.g. new standards for infrastructure), market-based solutions (pricing, loans) and awareness-raising campaigns;
  • Development of a strategy mainstreaming climate change into other policy areas;
  • Support for the impact assessment of the planned EU adaptation strategy;
  • Development of a stakeholder participation process;
  • Support for the public participation process;
  • Organisation of 5 stakeholder meetings, 3 lunchtime seminars for EU Commission staff and 2 expert seminars.

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Adaptation to climate change






European Commission, DG Climate Action

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Thomas Dworak


Michaela Matauschek
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