REGILIENCE is the Coordination and Support Action for developing Innovation Packages and regional resilience pathways under the LC-GD-1-3-2020 call. It aims to foster the adoption and broad dissemination of regional climate resilience pathways, following a demand-driven approach and taking into account the expertise and knowledge acquired, as well as the solutions available from Innovation Packages and other sources. The project will be implemented over 48 months by a consortium of 9 partners, led by IEECP and with the participation of engagement networks (FEDARENE, ICLEI, R-CITIES, F6S) and knowledge carriers from science and practice (FC.ID, adelphi, REGEA, FT).
Coordination and cooperation will be fostered by regular bi-monthly meetings with leaders of Innovation Packages (of the subtopic 1 project consortia) and relevant interested institutions. REGILIENCE will provide additional coordination by developing a needs survey covering the 50 most vulnerable regions in the EU, which will be shared and matched with Innovation Packages and similar Horizon 2020 projects. Also, 2 citizen surveys and an indicator set for regional resilience will be developed and tested. Furthermore, 30 online platforms will be reviewed, and synergies fostered to improve their performance and usability for regions and communities. An earmarked budget will serve to engage the corresponding institutions.
In terms of support, REGILIENCE will provide wide dissemination of the solutions and approaches within networks, regional authorities and key stakeholders, including civil society organisations and citizens. Overall, almost 700 specific activities are planned, including 8 large network events, 52 workshops/webinars, 30 twinning, 300 helpdesks, 10 testing, and 40 media activities, amongst others. These aim to share experiences, learn from failures, provide guidance and disseminate knowledge and tools which will be developed by REGILIENCE. For instance, the Resilience Fundamentals Course, a citizen Resilience Scan Tool, information about resilience funding and financing, including recommendations for mainstreaming climate resilience in national and regional plans for the EU Recovery Package and the Multiannual Finance Framework. Furthermore, overcoming barriers and obstacles as well as maladaptation will be addressed. 10 tests for innovative public-private partnership approaches will be conducted and findings from the Innovation Packages under subtopic 1 of the call will be incorporated.
In addition to widespread dissemination, the replication of Innovation Packages will be facilitated in 10 vulnerable and low-capacity regions in addition to the ones targeted by the Innovation Package projects following a selection process and the signing of a workplan agreement. This ambition is in line with Horizon Europe’s proposed Mission “Prepare Europe for climate disruptions and accelerate the transformation to a climate-resilient and just Europe by 2030”.
FT is the technical-scientific project coordinator. FT also leads T3.3 on Maladaptation and T5.3 on Coordination and Cooperation and participates in several other tasks.