Initiated in the context of the German EU Council Presidency, the conference was organised by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany (BMU), the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, Portugal, and the Ministry for Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia. Supported by Fresh Thoughts, adelphi and PIK.
About the event:
Adaptation to climate change and enhancing resilience is a key challenge for water management and economic sectors in the European Union that are depending on the use of water and/or the services water bodies are providing.
In the context of the European Green Deal, the European Commission has announced a new, more ambitious EU strategy on adaptation to climate change for the beginning of 2021. Sustainable and resilient water management and adapting to water-related impacts of climate change across sectors is expected to be a key component of the new strategy. It is therefore timely to explore ways in which EU policy and EU initiatives could contribute to enhancing climate resilience in EU Member States and beyond.
The main objectives of the conference were to:
- Discuss appropriate measures and policy instruments to achieve resilience towards climate change.
- Explore policy recommendations for EU activities to enhance adaptation efforts at EU, Member States’ and transboundary level.
- Provide input to the development of the new EU adaptation strategy and other relevant EU policy processes and instruments.
Supporting Documentation:
Conference report (PDF, 4 MB)
Policy Paper (PDF, 271 KB)
Background Paper (PDF. 5,1 MB)
Conference programme (PDF, 228 KB)
Keynote speech: Adaptation challenges in the European Union at the regional and local level, Markku Markkula, President of the Helsinki Region,Finland and former President of the European Committee of the Regions
Keynote speech: Sustainable water management in the changing climate,Veronica Manfredi, Director of the Quality of Life Directorate, European Commission – Directorate-General for Environment
Water-related climate change impacts in Europe – Main results of the Peseta IV study, Ad de Roo, Projectleader WEFE: Water – Energy – Food – Ecosystem Nexus,Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Transformational adaptation, Lykke Leonardsen, Head of Program for Resilient and Sustainable City Solutions, City of Copenhagen, Denmark
Climate action as an innovation driver, Prof. Dr Georg Teutsch, Scientific Managing Director, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Germany
Water and climate change mitigation, John Matthews, Executive Director,Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)
Shaping adaptation policies from a water perspective – Introduction to the draft ‘Policy Paper’,Thomas Stratenwerth, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany; Nuno Lacasta, Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, Portugal; Aleš Bizjak, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
Excursus: Health, water and climate change, Francesca Racioppi, Head, WHO European Centre for Environment and Health
Webinar: Too much water
Houselifting in flooded areas using the example of the Elbe village Brockwitz, Prof. Dr. Dirk Carstensen, Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management, Nuremberg Institute of Technology, Germany
Flood risk assessment, impact of urbanization and evaluation of water management measures: A case study in Helsingborg, Sweden, Christofer Karlsson, M.Sc. Environmental and Water Resources Engineering, DHI, Sweden
Climate change impacts on hydro-climatic extremes in the Danube basin – How robust are projections? Fred Hattermann, Deputy Head of Department, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), German
Webinar: Too little water
Better prepared for drought – Experiences from Danube region, Andreja Sušnik, Head of Department for Agrometeorological Analysis, Slovenian Environment Agency, Slovenia
Zaragoza, 25 years working on water efficiency: Lessons learnt in the climate change context, Marisa Fernández Soler, Cluster manager, ZINNAE- Cluster para el Uso Eficiente del Agua, Spain
Webinar: Climate proofing
The Dutch Delta Program, it´s underlying adaptive/dynamic pathways and the role of the Delta Commissioner, Peter Glas, Delta Commissioner, Dutch Delta Programme, Netherlands
WeatherWise Rotterdam – The road towards a climate–resilient delta city, Johan Verlinde, Program Manager, Rotterdam Climate Adaptation Plan, Netherlands
Conference related projects
ETUC Adaptation to Climate Change and the world of work
04.11.2020 - 05.11.2020
10:00 - 15:00