The International Ocean Governance Forum (IOG-Forum) provided a platform for actors and stakeholders within and beyond Europe to engage in an interactive dialogue on ocean challenges and governance solutions to support the follow-up and further development of the EU’s International Ocean Governance Agenda. This agenda has created healthy, productive, safe, secure and resilient oceans through a coherent cross-sectoral and rule-based international approach to ensure a sustainable future for our oceans. The focus is on improving the international framework for ocean governance, reducing pressure on oceans and seas, creating the conditions for a sustainable ‘blue’ economy, and strengthening the ocean knowledge system.
FT led and managed the overall project. FT also supported the thematic working group three of the International Ocean Governance Forum on Strengthening the Ocean Knowledge System. This working group focused on how the EU provides leadership to further advance the role of research innovation and data in international ocean governance, particularly within the framework of the upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 – 2030). Strong international cooperation was needed to fully benefit from the opportunities provided by a solid ocean knowledge base, which was crucial for tackling threats to ocean health and their cumulative impact. The working group covered topics supporting the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also included supporting ocean research, data frameworks, strengthening earth and ocean observation systems, research alliances, and the ocean science-policy interface.
Finally, FT organised 3 IOG Forum conferences/webinars.
Further information can be found here.
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