The EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC; MSFD ) provided a framework within which each Member State shall take the necessary measures to achieve or maintain a “good environmental status” of the marine environment by the year 2020.
As part of European Cooperation, Germany supported the development of conceptual approaches and methods by providing advice and opportunities to share knowledge in the development of the MSFD programmes of measures. The AAP project aimed to provide the BSBD with national programmes of measures under Art. 13 MSFD for them to be reported in time to the EU Commission by the end of March 2016. Together with Intersus, Fresh Thoughts provided advisory assistance to the BSBD on developing concepts, procedures and methodologies, including approaches to regional coordination, based on German experience as well as EU requirements and guidance documents.
The following activities were planned:
- to develop a specific guidance document that serves as a basis to prepare programmes of measures according to Art. 13 MSFD in Bulgaria;
- to advise the Bulgarian administration on the implementation of programmes of measures through 2017;
- to organize various workshops and working groups;
- to facilitate capacity building in Bulgaria through knowledge exchange between experts from Bulgaria, Germany, and Romania.