Instruments for sustainable development in tourism

Tourism and Sports



Framework Partnership Agreement concerning the European Topic Centre on Biodiversity and Ecosystems 2023-2026

European Environment Agency (EEA) | European Topic Centres (ETCs) are consortia of organisations in EEA member countries with expertise in specific environmental areas, contracted by the EEA through framework partnership agreements to carry out specific tasks to support the implementation of EEA and Copernicus work programmes.


Instruments for sustainable development in tourism

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The tourism sector strongly depends on an intact natural environment but at the same time, contributes to current ecological crises. The Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency) therefore initiated a research project dealing with instruments and measures that could support environmentally sustainable development of the tourism sector. Fresh Thoughts is part of a project consortium consisting of NIT and ZENAT.

Dialogue Forum on Sustainable Sport 2023

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany | The main aim of the project is to organise an expert conference to promote sustainability efforts in sports practice.

More sustainable events in St. Anton am Arlberg

Tourism Association St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria | Making events sustainable is essential to preserve the beauty of the region while strengthening the local economy. The goal is to create a win-win situation for all parties involved. Visitors can continue to enjoy a memorable experience, the local community and environment are protected, and event organisers can run their events sustainably and cost-effectively.

Tourism Monitoring In Antarctica

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | This study aims to present the current state of scientific knowledge on the impacts of tourism activities, including the logistics used, on the relevant protected goods of the Antarctic environment.

Climate change adaptation in the tourism sector in Lower Saxony

TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH | Climate change is already affecting the tourism sector in Lower Saxony and complex interactions influence the touristic demand. Therefore, the TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH (TMN) intended to support Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) in dealing with current and future changes.

TMN Climate Workshop

TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH | With the project "Tackling Climate Change - Adaptation Strategies for Tourism in Lower Saxony", TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH (TMN) has initiated a forward-looking process that prepares the tourism industry for climate change and its consequences. The project results make it clear: Climate change has arrived in Lower Saxony and is already influencing tourism.

Evaluation of the use of e-scooters in St. Anton am Arlberg

Tourism Association St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria | On June 18th 2022, the St. Anton am Arlberg region and the neighbouring villages of Pettneu am Arlberg, Schnann, Flirsch and Strengen started the mountain summer. The municipality of St. Anton am Arlberg, the St. Anton am Arlberg Tourism Association and the “Energie und Wirtschaftsbetriebe St. Anton am Arlberg” decided to carry out a pilot test for e-scooters as an additional micro-mobility solution within the municipality for residents and tourists from June 15th 2022 to September 30th 2022. For this purpose, a cooperation with TIER Mobility was established.

Support for Sportunion Austria regarding environmental funding for sport clubs

Sportunion Österreich | To support the Sportunion Austria clubs in their financial transition to more sustainable methods, Fresh Thoughts conducted research on the current environmental subsidies in Austria. The research refers to the individual provincial subsidies and not to those of the federal government.

Adaptation and mitigation in the Stanzertal region

Tourism Association St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria | Climate change is a particular challenge for regions that are heavily dependent on tourism and therefore on natural resources. As the impacts of climate change vary depending on the local context, municipalities play a key role in mitigating risks and exploiting opportunities that come along with these changes.

Support services within the framework of the sports-club survey: “Sport and sustainability!”

Sportunion Österreich | In order to focus on the topics of sustainability and environmental protection in sports, Fresh Thoughts conducted a survey together with SPORTUNION Austria in which 430 sports clubs participated. One of the main topics was the energy management of sports clubs.

Interview on the consequences of climate change for tourism in Baden-Württemberg

Tourismus Marketing GmbH Baden-Württemberg | In conversation with Thomas Dworak (Fresh Thoughts Consulting GmbH), Ute Dicks (German Hiking Association) and Dr Britta Böhr (Black Forest National Park), TMBW Managing Director Andreas Braun discussed the current and future effects of climate change on tourism.

Sport Austrian Summit

Sportunion Österreich | How can sport draw attention to the issue of sustainability? And what can sport do to be more sustainable and thus better meet its social responsibility?

Online talk: Climate change adaptation in urban tourism

Bayerisches Zentrum für Tourismus | In the second annual dialogue of the series "Consequences of Climate Change for Tourism", the Bavarian Centre for Tourism discussed the effects of climate change on urban tourism with experts - networking and joint action are required.

VisitBerlin Online conference – Consequences of climate change for Berlin

Conpros GmbH | At the VisitBerlin Online Hubs conference, director Thomas Dworak gave a lecture on the topic: "What effects of climate change can be expected in Germany and for tourism in the coming years?"

Keynote speech – Potsdam Tourism Forum

PMSG Potsdam Marketing | At the 4th Potsdam Tourism Day, director Thomas Dworak gave a lecture on the topic: "How climate change is changing tourism".

Climate change and tourism in Germany

German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany | The project identified the impact of climate change on the tourism sector in Germany and possible adaptation mechanisms.

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